Thursday, December 23, 2010

Testimonial- Zoe's homework

My niece, Zoe, is in first grade and has daily homework and reading requirements. She has gotten into the habit of doing her homework right after dinner, then using the Rusty and Rosy software just before bed. A few days ago she came home from school and asked her mom, "Can I hurry and do my homework now so I can do Rusty and Rosy?" Her mom was surprised she'd ASK to do her homework and said of course she could!
Sometimes Zoe even stands behind her brother while he's using the software (even though he is younger and at an easier reading level) just to cheer him on and see what he's doing.

Way to go, Zoe!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Testimonial- Jack can't wait!

My 5 year old nephew, Jack, used to have a difficult time having the motivation to get up, get dressed, and get going in the morning. Since he started using Rusty and Rosy Reading, as soon as he wakes up, he gets dressed and asks to get on the computer to do Rusty and Rosy Reading. He loves it, and his reading skills have improved so much in just a few weeks!

Waterford Learning at Home on Good Things Utah- ABC 4

Monday, October 25, 2010

Homophone Monkey

A song from Rusty and Rosy Reading teaching homophones.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Research and Results

Click the links below for more information:

1.  The more children use the software, the greater the reading gains.  Recommended use is 15-30 minutes a day.
2.  Children using Waterford Early Learning significantly outperformed other children on overall reading scores and in almost every individual skill tested.  
3.  Using the Waterford Early Reading program helps struggling readers close the gap and attain mastery of reading skills near those at the top third of the class.

Research on struggling readers/at risk students

More research studies

Research Report

The Florida Center for Reading Research completed a review of the Waterford Early Reading Program.  Their review is for the school based program, but the Rusty and Rosy Reading is the same software, books, CD's & DVD's.  Click here to read the research and review.

Monday, October 4, 2010